v. Vushkov, st. Tominovih, 127
Dolyna district, Ivano-Frankovsk region.
People since olden times knew about the benefit of bath-house. Yet prominent doctor Гипократ added such procedures to the half of the patients. In the process of history the specific of building was formed in every region, principles of work of bath-house and even etiquette. The visit of bath-house became the original culture of making healthy and rejuvenation.
Cost of bath-house:
From 1 to 4 persons - 480 UAH/1 hour 45 min
Every next person is 120 UAH
Therefore and we for the clients created this unsurpassed place of релакса !
Presumably, each on disposition the features of bath-house, however her health effect remains unchanging. Old slavs well knew about the healthful, strengthening and rejuvenating effect of bath-house. And for today her force of making healthy to the end is not studied, nevertheless, the enormous benefit of bath-house does not yield to the doubt.
Therefore will complement the rest health procedures that is tested by centenary experience exactly in the bath-house of hotel complex "Ялынка "!
Consequently, in a hotel complex "Yalunka" at your disposal баня on firewoods(to 10 persons), that will complement Your unforgettable rest in the edge of Carpathians.
v. Vushkov, st. Tominovih, 127
Dolyna district, Ivano-Frankovsk region.